Next was the installation of the fuel tank on the body.
Between the fuel tank and the trunk floor flange the cushion material like urethane was inserted. Of course this was deteriorated by aging. Therefore, I looked for the replacement material at DIY hardware store and bought the thick sponge sheet.
The sponge sheet was cut into 15mm width pieces. It could be bent nicely fitting to the flange shape. Double sided tape was attached on the back side, so it could be attached on the flange very easily.
Next tough job was the installation of the fuel tank in the trunk.
When I removed it, it was very complicated job like Rubik’s cube. Theoretically it should be possible to be installed in the reverse order of the removal.
But it was not easy. When I did it alone in unnatural position, my arms became dull and it made me very tired.
The point to do it better was to be patient and to find the pinpoint position where the fuel tank could go through the floor hole.
To attach the rubber boot on the neck of the fuel tank was done more smoothly than I expected. I put the rubber boot in a hot water in advance because the rubber became hard by aging. It was very effective and made the rubber flexible. This method could be useful for installing the aged rubber parts.
I found that the screws and washers to fix the tank were rusted, so I replaced them with new ones.
That's all the work for this day. I also wanted to install the fuel sender unit and the electric fuel pump, but those would be next work.
(My original blog was written on 27th Oct. 2008)
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