The replacement of the rebound stopper strap was continuing.
Originally I thought to finish the assembly of the right side at first. But I changed my thought as follows; to remove the left side strap in next, then finally to assemble both side at the same time. As I planned to paint metal parts around the strap with the remaining POR15 gasoline tank sealer, I wanted to finish painting on both the left and right sides at the same time considering that POR to be hardened very quickly when opening the can.
First work was to remove the deteriorated strap as same process as I did for the right side strap last time.
Destroy the old strap with drill, remove the strap dust with screw driver and radio pliers, spray the rust penetration lubricant on the rusty screws and finally loosen the screw by attacking with the impact driver.
New straps were the genuine parts I purchased about 10 years ago.
I wanted to finish the assembly, but there was no time. The assembly would be in next week.
Before the assembly, I removed the rust of the metal parts with wire brush. I didn’t remove the rust perfectly because they said that POR possible to be painted if the rust on the surface was removed.
The screws and bolts would be replaced with the new ones. I purchased the new screws and bolts with same length and thread pitch at DIY hardware store near my house. The main screws with plus head would be replaced with the bolts.
(My original blog was written on 15th Dec. 2008)
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